The Faith and Film Series

  • The Faith and Film Series meets on the last Friday night of each month. An award-winning film is screened in our church sanctuary at 6:30 PM, immediately followed by a moderated discussion of the film’s spiritual themes. After the discussion, everyone is invited to continue reflecting on the film together at Corbin Cellars downtown. Childcare is provided in the FBC nursery from 6:15-10:15.

The Faith and Culture Café

  • The Faith and Culture Café meets downtown at You and Me Coffee and Tea on the first Sunday evening of each month at 6PM to discuss Christian faith through the lens of literature, philosophy, film, music, and pop culture. Each meeting includes a 30 minute talk, followed by 30 minutes of discussion. Childcare is provided in the First Baptist nursery from 6-8PM. 

Faith and Literature

  • Faith and Literature is a reading group that meets monthly to discuss novels and short stories by award-winning writers. Authors whose work our group will read and discuss in 2016 include Marilynne Robinson, John Updike, Flannery O’Connor, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ann Patchett, Barbara Kingsolver, Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekov, Sue Monk Kidd, Wendell Berry, and others.